Tuition Rates

4-5 Days a Week
Up to 45 hours a week (w/travel time)

Maximum hours of care per day: 12

Birth – 23 Months

2 Years Old

3 Years Old

4 Years Old

5 Years Old

6-12 Years Old

Up to 9 hours (w/travel time)
$5 per hour after 9+ (max 12-hour-day)

(Sunday-Saturday, AM/PM/Nights) Maximum hours of care per day: 9 (Daily Rates apply for 1-3 days a week)

Birth – 23 Months

2 Years Old

3 Years Old

4 Years Old


5 Years Old


6-12 Years Old

drop-in care:
$5 per hour - per child (1-4 hours)
current enrolled students and/or *community members
*All enrollment paperwork & immunization records are required prior to first day
(drop-in care 4-8 hours is charged the daily rate)

Rates include meals, snacks, and activities

Registration Fee: $35.00 per child, per family. Due at enrollment to secure a spot. 

Annual Enrollment Fee: $60.00. Fee is added to monthly tuition ($5.00 a month per child, per family). 

Questions? Contact Us 

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